Testing my Rotax 912 engine during flight (S03 E02)

After almost two months of work on the engine, it was finally time to give her a spin again. The reason for doing all the work, was a slight vibration at low idle, which can be caused by a lot of different things. Did all of the work solve the issue? Well, I got...

Interview for the Dutch AOPA Magazine

Early January of 2021, I had an interview with AOPA Netherlands, for an article in their monthly glossy magazine. It turned out to be for the February edition of the magazine, which is only available to members of AOPA Netherlands. They agreed to let me share this...

Trying to fix my airplane (S03 E01)

The closure of my home airport, due to yet another COVID lockdown, opened up the possibilities to give my airplane some extra TLC. Not that my TL Ultralight TL-96 Star needed a lot of maintenance, but there were some little things and somewhat bigger ones, to take...

ForFunFlyer’s Christmas Special 2020 (S02 E20)

As this very unsettled year comes to a closure, Kevin and I wanted to review it together with you. So we asked you on social media to share your past year in aviation and what you enjoy watching on YouTube. We hope this video will bring you what this season is all...